Proposals Writing

Writing   a clear and concise text on a technical subject is very valuable and rare commodity in aerospace, but writing  a clear and structured proposal which covers all the customer requirements represents the top of  a technical writing.

Mr. Artzi offers his vast experience as engineer, Director for Business Development unit and General Manager of Composite Aircraft Structures  Manufacturing Plant, positions in which he accumulated huge experience in Proposal Writing and presentation. The service can be provide starting with writing the overall scope of the proposal, or supporting the customer in his process of writing.One of  the most important factor in preparing a successful proposal is reviewing it by an "expert eye" prior to submission it to the end customer. Mr. Artzi  services may be limited to joined the proposal writing process for  evaluating and assessing the proposal as an "expert eye".

Proposal Writing  process is consists of the following main stages:
·        RFP/Documents Review
·        Identification of Partners to participate in bid. 
·        Establish Technical Strategy
·        Establish the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) of the proposed program
·        Write the Technical Section of the Proposal
·        Write the Financial Section
·        Establish the Personnel and Organization for the proposed program
·        Write the Past Performance Reference Section
·        Packaging of the Proposal (Select cover design Etc.)
·        Apply  Finish Touches (Spell check, Gather appendix materials Etc. )
·        Proposal Production
·        Proposal Delivery/Logistics